CP Vertical angle unit

Vertical angle joint enables the busbar trunking system to achieve all possible layouts on the vertical plane. It can be used as horizontal unit depends on certain project.

Note: manufacture of non-standard angle joint with required length and angle value is possible.
CP Vertical angle unit
Ф 1250
  • KLM-S
  • 10
  • Cu
  • 55
  • 4
  • 1
  • CP

Order sample: 1000A, copper, IP55, with 4 conductors, steel enclosure

Busbar code
Rated current, А
4Р, 5P
Aluminium Copper
Сmin, mm Dmin, mm Сmin, mm Dmin, mm
08 800 310 255 310 255
10 1000 330 265 310 255
12 1250 350 275 310 255
16 1600 390 295 330 265
20 2000 410 305 350 275
25 2500 452 326 412 306
32 3200 537 371 452 326
40 4000 577 391 497 351
50 5000 687 446 673 439
63 6300 900 550 739 472
The standard (minimum) length of joint unit sides is indexed on the drawings and tables. Manufacture of units with non-standard dimensions is possible by order.